Christine “Chris” Coward, MSW, PCC
Co-Founder of HabitChange Coach Training
Chris co-developed and teaches the HabitChange Coach 125-hour coach training program at Neumann University and on-line. Chris has a background in clinical social work and has been coaching since 2004. She specializes in helping people change their health habits including weight loss, managing stress and building resilience.
Chris helps leaders at all levels of organizations develop their communication, relationship skills, confidence and ability to manage their teams. Her work includes helping teams reach their goals, improve their communication and use conflict productively. Chris is a member of the ICF and served on the board for the Philadelphia Area Coach Alliance (PACA). She also served as Chapter President of Professional Referral Exchange, a business referral networking group.
Chris walks her talk regarding wellness–she has completed two marathons, several multiple day charity bike rides and other races. Playing the bass guitar in the Denver area is one of the many ways she stays balanced.
Visit for more about Coach Coward.